Frew Foods International have installed a hot carcass Xray visualisation system inline.
This system Xray’s every carcass and matches that Xray imagine & data to the body number which links the information to the ear-tag and we end up with individual information on each carcass that has been through the Dexa Xray system.
The Dexa predicted yield for every individual carcass, buy producing Meat %, Fat %, & Bone % of every carcass. This enables Frew Foods International to implement critical business decisions in real-time at levels of accuracy and precision not previously possible.
Link individual carcass information to animal health in one single transaction report. This data is fully integrated in real time, allowing for easier carcase sortation, using accurate measurement of yield and carcass weight. Predicting cut weights on the fly. These cut weights are currently being validated through trials over the coming months.
This exciting tool will develop overtime, and data collected will be able to be accessed by producers, processors and retailers to maximise returns in their fields.
Frew Foods International are looking at the MEQ system to also link it into the one data report.
This devise is a Meat Eating Quality hand held unit, that measure the internal fat % (IMF), and shear-force of individual carcasses to identify eating quality of the product.
The Dexa system has successfully been commissioned at collaboration with multiple service partners, including Scotts Technology, Cedar Creek Company, Meat Logic, ALMTech, Frew Foods International and supported by MLA – AMPC – Woolworths.